Free Online Training:

The Top 3 Things You Don’t Know About Your Thyroid, Mistakes You’re Making Now and How to Change Them

You feel like crap, you're gaining weight, you have ZERO energy and you are being told that you are "normal" from your doctor. Or even're told that you're "just getting older" so this is how you're going to feel. 


You do NOT have to feel this way and just "deal with it". Click below to learn important info that your doctor is NOT telling you and correct mistakes you're making that are making you feel worse!


There’s Information in this FREE 30 Minute Training that Most of You Don’t Know:

  • Why you’re not getting the answers or the treatment you need
  • How you can find out for sure if you actually have a thyroid condition...and more importantly...what to do about it!
  • The real reason you’re suffering from unexplained weight gain, fatigue, brain fog or hair loss that almost all doctors miss
  • Why doctors tell you (over and over again) that your blood tests are 'normal' and you are just 'fine' but you sure as heck don't feel 'fine'
  • Why the fad diets and the “quick fix” weight loss programs you’ve tried aren’t working.
  • Why the HOURS you spend at the gym are NOT MAKING CHANGES in your body or energy (and may make you feel worse)
  • The power that you have to find answers and get your life back NOW.


Meet Amie

Dr. Amie Hornaman DCN, MsN, CFMP is a leading certified functional-medicine expert on a mission to optimize thyroid patients around the world and give them their lives back using scientific elements of nutrition and functional medicine.

After her own experience of insufferable symptoms, misdiagnoses and improper treatment, Amie set out to help others who she KNEW were going through the same set of frustrations and who were on the same medical roller coaster. She consults people around the world via telehealth/virtual appointments beginning with in depth 90-minute consultations addressing everything form lab values to nutrition to lifestyle.

She specializes in clinically investigating underlying factors of chronic disease and customizing health programs for thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, hormonal dysfunctions, digestive disorders, and brain problems. With a focus on optimizing thyroid function and thus optimizing her patients, Amie looks at each person as a unique individual and not JUST a lab value. She examines all factors that tie into thyroid dysfunction and thyroid symptoms and treats the person from top to bottom to give them their lives back.